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On January 15th at a special called meeting several major actions were taken in the city of Wheelwright by the city commission and news that could effect the city was shared. Those actions included.

  • A statement by fire chief Daniel Gullet revealed the department had not met goals for having certified vs uncertified firefighters on the roster. This would lead to $15,000 of state aid money being pulled from the department. The city commission decided to handle the difference using funds from the city's accounts.

  • The other major decision made was to close the Wheelwright Renaissance Center. This decision was made aware to Director Sam Little prior to the meeting and it came as no real surprise. The motion was made by Commissioner Dana McCown, seconded by Commissioner Michael "Bub" Tackett, and then the vote was Commissioner Bill Newesome yes to close, Commissioner Clarissa Parker McKinney yes to close, and Mayor Don Hall voting no. The reasoning behind the decision was original proposed as an attempt to rent the facility to a business but shortly after Commissioner McCown would state "Now that the library is gone we can just move city hall up there." A petition has been started to show the concerns of the community in this decision that seems to have been made simply out of spite toward former commissioner Sam Little and online attacks and insults seem to varify that assumption. If you want to sign the petition please feel free to do so here.

Sign the petition to save the Wheelwright Renaissance Center HERE